Parenting Support

“Parenthood… it’s about guiding the next generation while forgiving the last.”

Peter Krause

Parenting is the hardest job in the world.

Do you struggle to stay calm while your child is having a meltdown? Do you have trouble understanding your child? Do you desperately want to find relief but don’t know how? I hear you & I have been there.

It started for me when I had the incredible opportunity to nanny for several years in the Austin area. This work taught me more than I thought possible, and I carry this invaluable knowledge with me into my work with parents.

I have experience working with children who are neurodivergent, highly sensitive, strong-willed, have hearing disabilities, and more.

While I quickly found my love for children as I worked as a nanny, I was also struggling to understand what I was doing “wrong” at times. I fortunately took my first Play Therapy class while nannying, and the skills and knowledge that I gained from this class helped shift my relationship with my sweet kiddos ten-fold.

In Parent Sessions I am constantly pulling from my own experiences with children. My goal is to teach, guide, and support parents as best as I possibly can.

How do Parent Sessions work?

Parent Sessions last about 50 min & we may plan to meet either in-person or virtually based on your preference. During these sessions we will discuss any changes you may have noticed (positive or negative), areas that are a concern, how therapy is progressing (if the child/children are in treatment), and how I can best support you as parents. I may offer tips, tools, and resources to assist you on your parenting journey.

Examples of tips. tools, and resources:

  • Human growth & development

  • Positive Discipline education

  • Relevant books, articles, or podcasts

  • Relevant therapy support groups

Parenting support with Ellen Meystedt, MA, LPC-Associate, NCC